Thursday, November 29, 2018

The Digital Divide

Darline Henrius
Dr. Snorgrass
November 29, 2018
Digital Citizenship
Digital Divide
The Digital Divide is a term refers to the gap between demographics and regions that have access to modern information and communications technology, and those that don’t or have restricted access (TechTarget). This technology can include phones, tv, personal computers and the internet (TechTarget). There are major technology companies that have internet access, computer access and a way to help these regions and demographics and they don’t help. As an inner-city kid, I went to a public school and we did have technology, but outdated technology and they were slow and difficult to work with. Only schools that had updated and newest technology were schools in suburban areas. They had access to the latest MacBook's computers and laptops.
I believe the reason why they don’t give public school students access to these latest technologies because they’re in the city and usually schools within the inner-city have a bad reputation. The next generation is our future, regardless where they are coming from or the education that they’re getting they are our future. When it comes to having the latest technology, those inner-city kids are the nuber one consumers. We get these advertisements the most because we invest in them the most.
Homework now in days require internet access, most kids don’t have internet access and that’s where the frustration comes from and the drive to get an education is hard and the struggle begins. These kids are first generations and the only thing parents are worried about is just making sure they get through high school. If the high school doesn’t get the help or have the access to half the things, they’re going to need to use in the real world the probability of them wanting to do more decreases.
In conclusion, I think it’d be better for more big technology companies get in partnership with more inner-city schools or just schools that aren’t fully equipped with the latest technologies that they need. Apple Inc is the only company that is in partnership with schools and I believe that the other big companies can do more to help. We are the future, we can’t keep going into the future unprepared, when we’re sent to school to be prepared for it.

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